BBHSP has had a longterm goal to convince PG&E to do a service upgrade for the commercial area of the site, and now it’s finally done and being fine-tuned and expanded . BBHSP no has an upgraded 3-phase 400 amp service, a new cenrtalized panel, which will make it easier and more efficient to interface witht he grid. So, timberhenge is part of a higly engineered electrical upgrade. Timberhenge will provide covered parking for our service vehiles, such as the tractor backhoe, golf carts, and work truck.

Because of the Douglas Fir mortality problem in this area, we have an abundance of dear fir logs. Thnks to local mill operators, bracket-maker, machinery operators, elerctrical engineering, concrete experts, incredible builders, using POWERFUL team-work, the in-house orperation has been super smooth and successful…