BBHSP Biology Section 3: Plants
Please contact us if you find any corrections or if you have questions about this page. Photos by Elizabeth Beil, Jennifer Berry, Seabrook Leaf, and others. The growing list of species found at BBHS is on this page (below all the pictures) and is collected and managed by Jennifer Berry.
The 20 acre Commercial-Recreational Use Permit Zone at Big Bend Hot Springs Project consists of a surprising diversity of plant communities, including: White Alder/Poplar Forest along the Achoma (Pit River) banks, White Alder/Maple Forest along Indian Springs Creek riparian zone, Ponderosa Pine/Douglas Fir/Incense Cedar/Oak Closed-Canopy Forest (“Moon Forest”, near Parking Lot and upper staff area above Skunk Camp), Manzanita/Canyon Live Oak/Black Oak Open Canopy Chaparral, (large area between Parking Lot and Pit River) and Orchard/Garden/Non-Native plantings. Most of the site was an occasional flood plain, and the location of important small Madesi villages.

Sugar Pine trunk (center) has bark similar to Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) (on right), but Sugar Pine bark is more even and has a tighter pattern. Sugar Pine needles are much longer than Douglas Fir needles, but not nearly as long as the huge Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderos) needles. Sugar Pines have the largest cones of any local conifers (often 8-12 inches long!).

Genus | Species | Common Name | Lifeform |
Native Plants | |||
Acer | macrophylum | Big Leafed Maple | Tree |
Achillea | millefolium | Yarrow | Perennial |
Aesculus | californica | Buckeye | Tree |
Agrostis | exarata | Spike bentgrass | Grass |
Alnus | rhombifolia | White Alder | Tree |
Amelanchier | utahensis | Western Service Berry | Tree/Shrub |
Angelica | arguta | Angelica | Perennial |
Apocynum | andrisaemifolium | Spreading dogbane | Perennial |
Arbutus | menzesii | Madrone | Tree |
Arctostaphylos | viscida | Pale leaved Manzantia | Shrub |
Arctostaphylos | manzanita | Manzanita | Shrub |
Asarum | caudatum | California Ginger | Perennial |
Berberis | aquifolium var. repens | Oregon Grape | Shrub |
Calocedrus | decurrens | Western Cedar | Tree |
Calystegia | malacophyla | Morning Glory | Vine |
Calystegia | purpurata | Western Morning Glory | Vine |
Campanula | medium | Canterbury Bells | Perennial |
Castilleja | Indian Paintbrush | Perennial | |
Ceanothus | integerrimus | Deer brush | Shrub |
Cercis | occidentalis | Western Redbud | Tree |
Cercocarpus | betuloides | Mountain Mahogany | Shrub |
Clarkia | purpurea quadrivulnera | Purple Clarkia | Annual |
Claytonia | parviflora | Narrow-leaved Miner’s Lettuce | Annual |
Clematis | ligustifolia | Virgin’s Bower Vine | Vine |
Cornus | glabrata | Brown Dogwood | Tree |
Cornus | nuttallii | Pacific Dogwood | Tree |
Cornus | serisea spp occidentalis | Western Dogwood | Tree |
Corylus | cornuta var. californica | Western Hazel | Tree |
Cynoglossum | grande | Hound’s Tongue | Perennial |
Darmera | peltata | Indian Rhubarb | Perennial |
Delphinium | depauperatum | Few Flowered Larkspur | Perennial |
Dichelostemma | capitatum | Blue Dick | Perennial Bulb |
Digitalis | purpurea | Foxglove | Biennial |
Epipactus | gigantea | Stream Orchid | Perennial |
Eriodictyon | californicum | Yerba Santa | Shrub |
Eriogonum | nudum | Naked Buckwheat | Perennial |
Eschscholzia | caespitosa | Foothill Poppy | Annual |
Fraxinus | latifolia | Oregon Ash | Tree |
Gilia | sinistra ssp sinistra | Clockwise Gilia | Annual |
Heuchera | Alum root | Perennial | |
Juncus | mexicana | Mexican Rush | Perennial |
Lilium | washingtonianum ssp washingtonianum | Shasta lily | Perennial Bulb |
Lomatium | dissectum | Bisquit Root | Perennial |
Lonicera | ciliosa | Orange Honeysuckle | Vine |
Lunaria | annua | Money Plant | Annual |
Lupinus | albifrons | Silver Lupine | Shrub |
Lupinus | bicolor | Miniature Lupine | Annual |
Madia | elegans | Tarweed | Annual |
Mimulus | kelloggii | Kellogg’s Monkeyflower | Annual |
Mimulus | layneae | Layne’s Monkeyflower | Annual |
Mimulus | guttatus | Seep Spring Monkey Flower | Perennial |
Monardella | lanceolata | Mustang Mint | Perennial |
Oemleria | cerasiformis | Oso Berry | Tree/Shrub |
Pedicularis | densiflora | Indian warrior | Perennial |
Pelagiobotrys | Popcorn Flower | Annual | |
Pellea | mucronata | Coffee Fern | Fern |
Perideridia | gairdneri | Yampah | Annual |
Phacelia | distans | Common Phacelia | Perennial |
Phacelia | heterophylla | Vari-leaf Phacelia | Perennial |
Phladelphus | lewisii | Western Mock Orange | Deciduous shrub |
Pinus | ponderosa | Ponderosa Pine | Tree |
Polygonum | bistortoides | Western Bistort | Perennial |
Polystichum | munitum | Western Sword Fern | Fern |
Populus | balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa | Black Cottonwood | Tree |
Potentilla | gracilis var. fastigiata | Slender cinquefoil | |
Prunus | virginiana var, demissa | Western Choke Cherry | Shrub |
Prunus | emarginata | Bitter Cherry | Tree |
Pseudotsuga | menzesii | Douglas Fir | Tree |
Quercus | chrysolepis | Canyon Live Oak | Tree |
Quercus | garryana | Oregon White Oak | Tree |
Quercus | kellogii | Black Oak | Tree |
Quercus | wislezenii | Interior Live Oak | Tree |
Rhamnus | purshiana | Cascara | Shrub |
Rhus | trilobata | Skunkbush Sumac, Sourberry, & Three-Leaf Sumac. | Shrub |
Ribes | californicum | Gooseberry | Shrub |
Ribes | californicum | Current | Shrub |
Ribes | roezlii | Gooseberry | Shrub |
Rosa | california | Western Rose | Shrub |
Rubus | unsinus | California Blackberry | Vine |
Rumex | salicifolius var. salicifolius | Willow Leaved Dock | Perennial |
Salix | exigua | Narrow Leafed WIllow | Tree |
Salix | lucida ssp. lasiandra | Yellow Willow | Tree |
Sambucus | mexicana | Blue Elderberry | Shrub |
Scrophularia | californica | California figwort | Perennial |
Scutellaria | antirrhinoides | Snapdragon Skullcap | Perennial |
Silene | douglasii | Douglas’ Campion | Perennial |
Smilacina | racemosa | Soloman’s seal | Perennial |
Smilax | californica | California greenbriar | Vine |
Solidago | californica | California goldenrod | Perennial |
Spiraea | douglasii | Rose spiraea | Shrub |
Symphorocarpus | albus var. laevigatus | Snowberry | Shrub |
Syringa | hybrid | Lilac | Shrub |
Toxicodendron | diversilobum | Poison Oak | Shrub |
Trientalis | arctica | Arctic Starflower | Perennial |
Trillium | ovatum | Western Wakerobin | Perennial |
Typha | angustifolia | Narrow Leafed Cattail | Grass |
Verbena | hastata | Blue Vervain | Perennial |
Viola | glabella | Pioneer violet | Perennial |
Viola | lobata ssp integrifloia | Yellow violet | Perennial |
Genus | Species | Common Name | Lifeform |
Recent Immigrant Plants | |||
Aegilops | Barbed Goatgrass | Grass | |
Avena | barbata | Slender Oats | Grass |
Bromus | Catharticus | Rescuegrass | Grass |
Bromus | tectorum | Down Chess | Grass |
Centaurea | solstitialis | Yellow Star Thistle | Perennial |
Centaurea | maculosa | Knapweed | Perennial |
Cichorium | intybus | Chickory | Perennial |
Conium | maculatum | Poison Hemlock | Annual |
Cynodon | dactylon | Bermuda Grass | Grass |
Hedera | helix | English Ivy | Vine |
Holcus | lanatus | Velvet Grass | Grass |
Hypericum | perforatum | St. John’s Wort | Perennial |
Lactuca | serriola | Prickly Lettuce | Annual |
Lamium | amplexcaule | Henbit | Annual |
Leucanthemum | vulgarre | Ox Eye Daisy | Perennial |
Lychnis | coronaria | Rose Campion | Perennial |
Melissa | officinalis | Lemon Balm | Perennial |
Oenothera | elata | Evening Primrose | Perennial |
Parthenocissus | quinquefolia | Boston Ivy | Vine |
Phalaris | brachystachys | Short Spike Canary Grass | Grass |
Plantago | lanceolata | Plantain | Perennial |
Poa | pratensis spp. pratensis | Kentucky Bluegrass | Grass |
Ranunculus | arvensis | Field Buttercup | Annual |
Rhus | glabrata | Smooth Sumac | Tree |
Robinia | pseudoacacia | Black Locust | Tree |
Rubus | discolor | Himalayan Blackberry | Vine |
Rubus | lactiniatus | Cutleaf Blackberry | Vine |
Rumex | acetosella | Sorrel | Perennial |
Silene | latifolia | Bladder Campion | Perennial |
Sinapis | arvensis | Field Mustard | Annual |
Solanum | dulcamara | Nightshade | Perennial |
Symphytum | × uplandicum | Comfrey | Perennial |
Taeniantherum | caput-medusae | Medusahead | Grass |
Torilis | arvensis | Field Hedge Parsely | Annual |
Tragopogon | dubious | Yellow Salsify | Biennial |
Trifolium | hirtum | Clover | Annual |
Trifolium | pratense | Red Clover | Perennial |
Verbascum | blattaria | Moth Mullein | Biennial |
Verbascum | thapsis | Common Mullein | Biennial |
Vinca | major | Periwinkle | Vine |